Goh Ballet

Designer Drinks is now DesignTO Mix!

Join DesignTO and Batay-Csorba Architects for the October edition of DesignTO Mix, on Tuesday, October 1 at The Greater Good.

DesignTO Mix is an informal networking event held every first Tuesday of the month. Get to know Toronto’s amazing creative community and learn more about the team behind Batay-Csorba Architects, and their work.

* Please note, entry to DesignTO Mix events is on a first come, first access basis, with respect to venue capacity. Specific seating and service policies may apply pending each venue’s conditions.

About Batay-Csorba Architects

About Batay-Csorba Architects
Jodi & Andrew Batay-Csorba
Jodi & Andrew Batay-Csorba

Batay-Csorba Architects was established in 2010 by Andrew Batay-Csorba and Jodi Batay-Csorba as a collaborative architecture and interior design studio. The practice was created in Los Angeles, California and moved to Toronto, bringing with it an unmarked outlook to the progression of design in Canada. Jodi and Andrew have designed, directed and managed over 96 internationally celebrated projects in 38 cities and 11 countries, both on their own and at Pritzker Prize-winning offices before founding Batay-Csorba Architects. Their own work has been distinguished with international awards, widely published in over 80 international publications and exhibited across 24 international galleries.

Batay-Csorba Architects is committed to creating transformative spatial experiences through the exploration of site, typology, materiality, and movement. Their work is dedicated to the construction of real spaces that engage people and place and is based on the belief that architecture has a fundamental role in shaping how we experience the world. Each project is generated through a deep reading of the site in search of unexpected relationships that can both tie each project to a larger urban contribution and shape new perceptual experiences.

The work of their practice ranges from small scale installations, graphic visualization and multi-media design to architectural and interior design and large scale urban planning.

Milky’s Coffee
Milky’s Coffee
Double Duplex on Melbourne Avenue
Double Duplex on Melbourne Avenue
Garden Rowhouse
Garden Rowhouse