‘Assembly Line’ is a window installation that uses 3D projection mapping to augment the movement of an industrial KUKA robot. Gestures drawn by members of the audience are collected by the robot and transformed in a process of co-creation. These 2D gestures are ‘manufactured’ into 3D forms, only to dissipate shortly thereafter. This digital play speaks to the ephemeral nature of manufacturing: that which is made is inevitably unmade, and so our joint efforts wash away.
Through the workshop windows, audience members will be able to see a large robot performing mechanical repetitive motions- keeping pace with an enchanting and never ending conveyor belt of tasks. Down below, the workshop floor will be a gallery display of works created with the help of the robot in the Design + Technology LAB.
‘Assembly Line’ aims to represent the evolving creative union between ourselves and the machine.
Performance Times: 6pm & 7pm on Jan 21-22 & Jan 26-29