Eating Cherries, Braiding Hair: Ceramic Installation
Jan 20
Jan 29 2023
window installation in-person
See Details
827 Dundas Street West, Toronto
Window installations are viewable 24 hours a day from outdoors.

This window installation explores the theme of ‘alternative’ selves – that is the realities one could have lived if not for monumental life-changing events. Although originally triggered by the recent pandemic, the works presented are a deeper reflection on how identities evolve in the face of life-changing events more broadly.

The ceramic vessels by Elena Mahno loosely resemble women wearing pinafores. These silhouettes are rooted in the artist’s memories of school uniforms she never got to wear due to economic instability and immigration from Moldova decades earlier. Traditionally the pinafore symbolizes women’s labour, often contributed at the expense of another path. This theme echoed during the pandemic when societal safety nets depleted and women all over the world found themselves bridging the gap at the cost of own goals and aspirations. Using sculpture techniques, Elena memorialized these ‘alternative’ selves in shapes that are both, intimately nostalgic – personal memories of an identity left behind, and future-facing – shape-shifting towards a new self. Abstracted and carefully arranged in groupings similar to paintings of women in waiting, the pieces seem to be gathering as if finally in leisure … whispering secrets, eating cherries and braiding hair.

Sincere gratitude to The Pottery and Sovereign State for providing the support and platform to share this work.


Elena Mahno


The Pottery logo
Sovereign State logo


Who should visitors contact with questions regarding accessibility?
Elena Mahno
Can people get to the venue using accessible transit?
A stool with group of black & white ceramic vessels on it, and at the foot
A small black ceramic vessel in front of a large black ceramic vessel
A group of white, black and red ceramic vessels
Little white ceramic vessel in front a big white and grey stone ceramic vessel