Equality or Quantity?! A Question by Reza Hosseiny
Jan 21
Jan 30 2022
exhibition online
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‘Equality or Quantity’ is a series of conceptual ceramic sculptures exploring questions of equality.

Passive and capricious “Equal Couples” are watching a victim of oppression, inequality, and rape. They stand up, not against injustice, but only to be seen as if they are holding a ritual ceremony instead of helping the victim. They feel fulfilled and are probably satisfied every night because they are equal. They have been appointed to participate in all societies that fight for equality. Have they achieved equality or just some “Equal Quantities”?

They are everywhere, but the “Beautiful Painful’s” pain continues! The “Beautiful Painful” has been forced to be in the middle to nurture and feed the “Quantities.” The “Beautiful Painful” is the best excuse for the standing-around “Merciless Couples” to be present.

I wish the “Beautiful Painful” was left alone with the pain. Maybe she could find a way to cure it.

This series of conceptual ceramic sculptures can be displayed on a shelf, buffet, or dinner table. Used as vessels or vases. Fire temperature cone 6. Sizes for each piece: Thickest DIA: 3.25 inches, 3078 grams.Average DIA: 2.5 inches, 2219 grams. Thinnest DIA: 2 inches, 1769 grams.

– Reza Hosseiny

Reza Hosseiny is a visual/ceramic artist & instructor. Among his accomplishments are fifteen years of academic lecturing, twenty-eight years of instructing, eighteen years of art directing, and the publication of six books. Now settled in Canada, he is pursuing his passion to teach and make sculptural ceramics. While Hosseiny works with centres and associations, he is proud of being an independent artist, ceramic designer, producer, and instructor at his own studio.


Reza Hosseiny



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Reza Hosseiny
Reza's Ceramic Arts Studio
Reza's Ceramic Arts Studio
Reza's Ceramic Arts Studio
Reza's Ceramic Arts Studio
Reza's Ceramic Arts Studio
Reza's Ceramic Arts Studio