Jan 22
Jan 31 2021
window installation in-person
See Details
187 King Street East, 4th Floor, Toronto
Window installations are viewable 24 hours a day from outdoors.

‘I AM HERE’ is an abstract display of two 3D-printed LED lighting panels constantly running low-fidelity video graphics placed in the north- and west-facing corner windows of the Pivot Design studio located on the corner of King Street East and George streets. Breathe in — I am here, breathe out ­— I am now. Left lung, right lung. Each panel represents the body and our breathing cycle of 12-20 breaths every 60 seconds. ‘I AM HERE’ depicts meditation, pure and serene, symbolizing the vitality of breathing and its profound importance in guiding each of us to find our own sense of balance, harmony and centre. We live in complex and uncertain times in the midst of an evolving global pandemic, growing climate change, changing social justice and heightened personal stress and anxiety. We are becoming more disconnected in a connected world. Meditation is our proven path to sustained mental health, positive emotions and low-stress levels and all-around general wellness. ‘I AM HERE’ is here at King East and George as your destination for some moments of calm in our vibrant city.

In conjunction with the ‘I AM HERE’ installation, the designers have created a meditation iOS app.

This project is a part of the King East Design District (KEDD), a hub for design, art and culture in the heart of Old Town Toronto.


Ian Chalmers, Justin Hawley, Andy Huckle



Who should visitors contact with questions regarding accessibility?
Ian Chalmers
Can people get to the venue using accessible transit?
Prepping the panels in studio for testing
Testing, Testing 1, 2, 3