Lies My Teacher Told Me
Apr 08
Apr 22 2022
window installation in-person
See Details
330 King Street East, Toronto
Window installations are viewable 24 hours a day from outdoors.

The ‘Lies We Are Told’ series challenges the “truths” we were taught as children based on parental, religious and educational doctrines in literature and instructional pamphlets during the 1940s and 1950s. The rules we were taught to trust and follow inhibited creativity. It has taken years to break free from their dictates (right, wrong, good, bad) and rediscover the childlike rapture of “play.”

Relative Space is a design industry leader with over twenty years in the flooring business. Their walls display samples of the hardwood floors they design and make. ‘Lies My Teacher Told Me #2’ will incorporate a sample of flooring from the display walls of Relative Space to integrate and create new layers of meaning into the saying, “Stay within the Lines”, a phrase many of us are familiar with from childhood. Relative Space strives to enhance the intrinsic appeal of wood in their designs. This showcase plays with the idea of their promise to “develop a solution that works” for the customer. Displaying ‘Lies My Teacher Told Me #2’ is indeed, ironic, and testifies to the flexibility of the host space.

To get a closer look at ‘Lies My Teacher Told Me’, you can view the installation from inside the showroom during business hours: Mondays to Fridays from 9am to 5pm.


Lois Schklar, Relative Space (Fraser Greenberg)


Who should visitors contact with questions regarding accessibility?
Fraser Greenberg
Is this venue accessible by wheelchair or similar mobility devices? This includes access to washrooms and all aspects of programming/events.
Can people get to the venue using accessible transit?