Exhibition is open Jan 19 to Feb 17:
Wednesdays: 12-2pm
Thursdays-Saturdays: 12-6pm
Exhibition is open Feb 18 to Mar 15:
Fridays: 12-6pm
The Museum of Contemporary Work is an exhibit highlighting artifacts from the recent past, present and future of work. The objects, both real and fictional, explore themes like identity, inequity, meaning and motivation. From stress balls to smartphones, each selected item is a symbol of the invisible forces at work in our work. Together, they tell stories of how our daily labours are changing—and how they are changing us.
Created and curated by Sean Hazell, the 2024 edition is the exhibition’s first showing in nearly five years and will incorporate new objects highlighting recent topics such as remote work, gig work, productivity, burnout and the impact of artificial intelligence.
The exhibition is supported by the Business Design Initiative (BDI) at The Rotman School of Management and by Sensei Labs. The Collision Gallery space is provided by QuadReal. Beverages provided by Geez Louise and Proxies.