The Pi Project: Unstoppable pi.
Jan 22
Jan 31 2021
exhibition online
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A special typographic presentation by students from the School of Design at George Brown College, celebrating the power of numbers.

The project was conceived to bring together alumni, recent grads and current students from the School of Design community showcasing their diverse creative talents and viewpoints.

In phase one, each of the 17 typographers was invited to create black and white interpretations of three consecutive digits within pi. The brief was open, simply asking everyone to use their own style and approach to reimagine the architecture of their select numerals. In phase two, an expanded colour version of their favourite digit was created.

Pi is an infinite decimal whose value cannot be expressed exactly. An appropriate metaphor for the unstoppable creative powers, passion and focus of the grads and current students of the School of Design – the future of the design community locally, nationally and internationally.


Project and creative director: Professor Paul Haslip, RGD FGDC // Typographers: Aby Abraham, Mikhail Anjo, Silvia Cordero, Matt Currie, Simon Da Silva, Sarah Ellis, Annabel Hancock, David Ho Sang, Zoran Jovicic, Haein Lee, Youjine Lee, Julia Mcrae, Rami Shouk, Jasmine Silang, Alana Thomson, Vicky Tong and Yvonne Weiss. // Design contributors: Virtual exhibition: Silvia Cordero and Julia Mcrae, Catalogue: Rami Shouk, Merchandise: Youjine Lee, Primary animation: Sarah Ellis, Additional animation: Silvia Cordero and Rami Shouk, Social media content: Youjine Lee, Social media manager: Jasmine Silang // Special thanks: Dr. Ana Rita Morais, Chair, School of Design


Who should visitors contact with questions regarding accessibility?
Paul Haslip