Yue Moon 完滿: Tiger With Wings 如虎添翼
Jan 27
Feb 28 2022
exhibition in-person

完滿 (Yue Moon) means full circle, completion, full moon. ‘Yue Moon: Tiger with Wings’ is a community-engaged, interdisciplinary public art project rooted in Toronto’s Chinatown led by artist Paddy Leung and artist assistant Meegan Lim in partnership with STEPS Public Art and Chinatown BIA.

In its third iteration, ‘Yue Moon’ comes to life through a series of hands-on, intergenerational arts workshops that culminate in a public art exhibit of community co-created lanterns.

Inspired by the traditional Chinese Palace Lantern design, each panel showcases an illustration created by a workshop participant. Images of Chinatown’s histories, personal memories, and intentions for the new year create an immersive, luminous outdoor experience during Lunar New Year celebrations.

Located just beside Dragon City Mall and overlooking one of Chinatown’s latest public art murals produced by Wenting Li with STEPS, this outdoor lantern installation site is accessible for safe public viewing.


Paddy Leung, Meegan Lim, STEPS Public Art, Chinatown BIA, Cecil Community Centre, OCAD U Centre for Emerging Artists and Designers (CEAD), Chinese Gospel Church Toronto


Who should visitors contact with questions regarding accessibility?
Renee Castonguay
For projects with printed information, will it be available in large-format and/or Braille?
We will approach exhibit didactic text in an accessible and inclusive manner; offering large-format font and translation reflective of community needs.