We understand that these are unprecedented times. With pandemic regulations constantly changing, you may have questions about the upcoming 2021 DesignTO Festival. We’re here to tell you that the 2021 DesignTO Festival will continue, distanced and digitally.

The 2021 DesignTO Festival presents over 40 virtual projects available online. From digital exhibitions, to talks, to events, we have several projects you can experience from your home. Most events are free, but some require a RSVP or purchased ticket.

In addition to online projects, the Festival will have window installations around the city, which are viewable from the outdoors. If you are out getting exercise or picking up your essential items, be sure to take note of any window installations that may be on your route. Please follow proper physical distancing measures and stop to view installations only if this doesn’t put you or others at risk.

COVID protocols are in effect. DesignTO is not recommending unnecessary travel or congregating in groups. Please keep physically distanced from others at all times.

DesignTO is dedicated to supporting the design community during these difficult times.
