Jan 19
Jan 28 2024
exhibition in-person

“‘MADE BY HUMANS’ explores the ongoing dialogue between technology and human craftsmanship, initiating conversations around how technological integration might challenge traditional notions of ‘hand-crafted’. Inspired by the increasing use of AI in design landscapes, this piece questions where the boundaries lie (or if they exist at all) in defining handmade creations amidst technological influence. ‘MADE BY HUMANS’ challenges viewers to consider whether the integration of technology enriches or diminishes the “human-made” essence, in the creative process.

Beginning as a meticulously crocheted handmade creation, the piece then evolves to highlight its digital underpinnings. Exposing the ‘behind-the-scenes’ process allows us to evaluate the often unseen role of technology that exist alongside the artisan’s craft.

Our piece questions whether the integration of technology “dilutes” the authenticity of human-made/handcrafted creations, or does it serve as a facilitator, offering a roadmap for human expression to manifest? We refrain, however, from taking a stance in this debate. Instead, our aim is to spark introspection, inviting viewers to consider the historical and future landscapes where technology and human craftsmanship converge.”

– Dom Cheng & Fallon Robar


‘MADE BY HUMANS’ is one of 12+ projects at STACKT Market for the 2024 DesignTO Festival. Celebrate these projects with a free, site-wide party on Sat, Jan 20 from 6-10:30pm. Visit ‘Design Collection Opening Party @ STACKT’ to learn more.


NONUMENT, Dom Cheng, Fallon Robar


Stackt logo


Who should visitors contact with questions regarding accessibility?
Dom Cheng
Is this venue accessible by wheelchair or similar mobility devices? This includes access to washrooms and all aspects of programming/events.
Are designated parking spots for persons with disabilities close to the entrance of the building?
Can people get to the venue using accessible transit?