Following 365 days of travel across historic Islamic regions to study geometric patterns in architecture and handcrafts, Safoura Zahedi…
Event Tag Archives:
Urban Canvas: Empowering Youth Through Public Art and Creative Media
Full of creativity and curiosity, youths have the potential to make meaningful contributions to the design processes of communities…
Building with Light
Click here to see the talk ‘Building with Light’ is a discussion that explores the ways in which architects,…
Yue Moon 完滿: Tiger With Wings 如虎添翼
完滿 (Yue Moon) means full circle, completion, full moon. ‘Yue Moon: Tiger with Wings’ is a community-engaged, interdisciplinary public…
DesignTO Talks: Place des Montréalaises
In an image-rich presentation, Andrew King, Lemay’s Chief Design Officer and leader of LemayLab, and conceptual artist Angela Silver…