Participate in the 2024 DesignTO Festival,
January 19-28, 2024
Join the 2024 DesignTO Festival, show your work at Canada’s largest annual design festival from Januray 19-28, 2024.
Submit your work, be part of this vibrant celebration of contemporary design in Toronto. Since 2011, DesignTO welcomed almost 1M visitors, showcased 6K+ artists, and reached 1.8B users through media.
Participate, shape the future of design. Exhibit your work, change your career, immerse in Toronto’s dynamic artistic community. Submit your independent project, become one of 6K+ artists transforming Toronto at DesignTO 2024.
DesignTO seeks independent artists, join Canada’s art celebration. Elevate your art career, inspire the community, submit your project. Boost business, host DesignTO Festival. Transform your venue, increase visibility, traffic, and revenue. Join Toronto’s thriving art scene, apply now to be part of DesignTO 2024.
Here are three ways to participate:

Submit an Independent Project
Independent Projects are exhibitions, events, and window installations that are wholly created and executed by an individual or organization during the DesignTO Festival at a venue of their choice.

Submit to Become a Host Venue
If you have a venue in Toronto you’d like to have activated with a window installation, event, or exhibition, we want to hear from you!
Venues include shops, galleries, studios, cafés, schools, and lobbies.

Submit to Speak at the Symposium: ‘Dematerialized’
This symposium invites designers and thinkers to explore and speak about the complexities of dematerialization: both its benefits and drawbacks.
The 2024 DesignTO Symposium takes place online.

Submit to the Prototype Exhibition: ‘Lucid Ideals’
Going into its ninth year, ‘Lucid Ideas’ is the latest edition of the annual prototype exhibition organized by DesignTO in partnership with Umbra.
Prototype designs by Canadian designers are shown each year at the Umbra Store during the DesignTO Festival.

Submit to the Thematic Exhibition:
‘Future Matters’
This exhibition invites artists and designers to delve into the nexus of material expression, innovation and environmental sustainability.
We invite submissions from artists and designers working in all mediums and formats.

Submit to the DesignTO Youth Residency
DesignTO and JAYU invite you to apply for our FREE program consisting of 6 online sessions (workshops featuring guest speakers) to help enhance your creative process, inspire your creation, develop skills, and build an application for the exhibition opportunity.